Ariston Institute

What is the Ariston Institute Learning Concept?


At the Ariston Institute, we are pursuing the establishment of a Global University that will provide baccalaureate and master’s level quality education in the fields of:

  • Leadership & Entrepreneurship,
  • IT-AI Management,
  • Charitable Organization Management
  • Environmental Sustainability,
  • Clean Energy Management,
  • Organic Agriculture,
  • Bioinformatics,
  • Engineering and Computer Science,
  • Health-Care Management
  • Hospitality Excellence

Ariston Institute is supported by THE PAZ FOUNDATION; both institutions’ vision is to educate deprived women and children around the World and to bring peace and prosperity through education, research, and cultural integration.

At Ariston, we will be actively serving several countries on four continents, (the Americas, Europe, Asia, and Africa)

The Ariston Institute’s Learning concept provides a unique and innovative approach to environmentally sensitive global education. Ariston pledges to become the “Silicon Valley” and the “Harvard of the World” with a Green-Ecological emphasis embedded throughout its programs. Education in NGO Leadership, Energy, Bioinformatics, Organic Agriculture, Technology, etc. This approach, in and of itself, is a commodity that is particularly non-existent in the formula we are proposing.

Ariston is incorporated in the State of Illinois as a Non-For-Profit Corporation and as such we foresee having our headquarters in Chicago with a core faculty and administration. The fields mentioned above, offer approximately 5-10 degrees each, with an extended certification program for all disciplines.


Distance Learning Centers (DLC)

The uniqueness of the Ariston Learning concept lies in John Kalaras’ Alternative Educational Model and in the innovative approach of pedagogical methodologies expressed as Distance Learning. Unlike online education, where students never see the classroom, nor do they ever have direct contact with the professor. Whereby, during lectures, our innovative approach of Distance Learning brings the professor and the students into the same physical environment live and in real-time via holographic technology. In other words, the DLC should NOT be confused with the online delivery of education, offered by many universities in the USA.

For more information contact Dr. John N. Kalaras, Co-Founder of ARISTON 847-668-26-26, Email: [email protected]


Dr. John N. Kalaras