The Paz Foundation USA headquarters are located in Oakland California. Our Founder has a vison of creating self-sustaining communities whereby, we help women and Children by Protection against domestic Violence. We aim to stop the abuse by offering Education systems for job training and temporary housing and legal services and Empowerment. Programs include; counseling, micro-loans, job opportunities and other social services.
The Paz Foundation USA and Synergic Global Water have joined forces to launch our Climate Change Technology near Las Vegas, NV
Our Climate Changing Technology consumes Heat and CO2. (In Essence we are USING global warming). One can say! “WOW great, the earth temperature is rising every year, so let us finally call this global warming a `VALUABLE COMMODITY`. Now, let us USE this HEAT and transform it into WATER!” With our Patented system we can change the aggregate states and make captive water accessible. And as a side effect we are cooling down our world climate and greening the desert.
The basis for this project is that: “Water cannot disappear”— “we did not transport it – we “only changed the aggregate state” with a cold front – far below the dew point: fog and drizzle on Two (2) km2 underground plant).
The CC-air-well Project can produce over 1,700,000,000 (One Billion Seven Hundred Million) Liters of Water per day. Yes, this specific amount of water sounds like a lot – but from nature’s point of view– that is not so much water. For example, a 10-min heavy downpour in the desert area of five km2 can result in the production of 1.7 billion liters of water.
With the CC-air-well Project, we “dispose of over 500 million m3 of “2°C-cold air per day to the environment – this is the first directly noticeable climate-cooling-effect. The heat from the sucked in air will be exchanged with the coolness of the soil and the newly planted trees, gardens and agriculture. This will cause a lasting climate-cooling-effect both locally and globally. The Construction of the Pilot plant will start on November, 2024.
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